I hope your holidays were good to you and the new year promises many dreams come true. But I must say this winter has been filled with ups and downs on the temperature scale. From 60+ Fahrenheit to single digits in a day leaves me plenty of days I opt to stay in and write. But it’s paying off as my characters are finding life and one story in particular will take flight tomorrow. That’s right, Aumelan – Blessed of the Gods releases tomorrow in e-book and paperback!
And we’re giving it a big send-off tomorrow, Tuesday the 13th from 6pm-9pm (cst) on Facebook. Be sure to be there because I have some big prizes in the wings! From SWAG to t-shirts to a two night stay in your choice of cities listed on the certificate you could win!! It’s all found at http://bit.ly/ABoGReleased. Be sure to invite your friends because there’ll be a drawing for that too.
On the side, One for Kami has been nominated in the P&E Readers Poll for Best Romance Short Story and Best Cover Art! I would really appreciate your votes to bring her to #1!! Hop on over to http://critters.org/predpoll/shortstoryr.shtml to vote for the Short Stories, then hop over to http://critters.org/predpoll/bookart.shtml to choose the Cover Art. Be sure to validate your vote through your email or it won’t count. You know, details…
Well, that’s it for this January Newsletter. Next month Aumelan – Blessed of the Gods will be on Blog Tour! I’ll fill you in then on where you can find all the goodies. *wink*
Until next time,
May your dreams be magical.