Fan Art
It’s so fantastic when others love Cornerstone Deep as much as I do. And it’s even more wonderful when others are inspired by them. Click or tap title or picture to see larger image.
Arched Spectrum of Realms
This image was created by Anastasia Pergakis and is her interpretation of the spectrum of dimensions in the series. It’s perfect!
The Alley Scene
Those with artistic talent amaze me. Ellen depicts the moment the Shilo brothers follow Anna down the dark alley!
An introduction to the Shilo Manor series characters.
Images Used for Inspiration
Check out some of the pictures used for inspiration when Fated and Echoes were written. More will be added as the series progresses.
Transformation of Anna | Echoes | Destiny
Poetry of the Chronicles
The poetry of the Chronicles of Shilo Manor is taken from the entries made into the Shilo family’s Candle Vignette, a record keeper and photo album. When abridging the works, these writings were used to help portray the emotions felt by those involved.
Fated (The Transformation of Anna) Original Short
This is the original passage I wrote of a dream. It evolved into the Cornerstone Deep series. This piece is as it was written to remind me how it all began–poor writing and all!